Ryan Marcus, assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Using machine learning to build the next generation of data systems.
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I'm Ryan Marcus, an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Pennsylvania. I'm using machine learning to build the next generation of data management tools that automatically adapt to new hardware and user workloads, invent novel processing strategies, and understand user intention.
I am especially interested in query optimization, index structures, intelligent clouds, programming language runtimes, program synthesis for data processing, and applications of reinforcement learning to systems problems.
- 06 Dec 2024Our work on 📄 LLMSteer, a system for steering query optimizers with large language models, will be presented during a 🔦 spotlight talk at the NeurIPS ML4Sys workshop!
- 20 Jul 2024We'll be presenting our 📄 vision for full stack adaptivity via machine learning for blockchain systems at VLDB '24, along with a 🛠️ demo of BFTGym, our environment for performance testing BFT protocols under various fault conditions.
- 01 Jun 2024Two fresh takes on query planning presented at SIGMOD '24: first, 📄 Stage, the cache-based multistage query latency predictor used in Redshift, and second, 📄 LimeQO, a workload-level query steering technique using linear methods.
- 20 May 2024I appeared on the 🎙️ Disseminate podcast.
Previous news items ...
- 06 Dec 2023I gave a 🗣️ talk at PrestoCon about learned query optimization and 📄 AutoSteer (abstract).
- 16 Aug 2023Our 📄 AutoSteer paper, an extensible learned query optimizer for any SQL database, was published in VLDB '23. We're also presenting a demo of 🛠️ QO-Insight, our tool for exploring and understanding learned query optimizers.
- 19 Jun 2023Our 📄 Kepler (robust learned parametric query optimization) and 📄 Auto-WLM (learning enhanced workload management) papers were published at SIGMOD '23.
- 07 Apr 2023Our 📄 AdaChain paper, the first adaptive blockchain that switches architectures in order to optimize throughput for dynamic workloads, was published at VLDB '23.
- 20 Feb 2023Our 📄 paper on robust cardinality estimation under dynamic workloads was published at VLDB '23.
- 15 Sep 2022Our 📄 SageDB paper, the first complete data system built with instance optimization as a foundational design principle, was published at VLDB '22.
- 30 Apr 2022I will be 👋 joining the CIS faculty at the University of Pennsylvania in Fall 2023!
- 15 Jun 2021Our 📄 Bao paper, a practical approach to learned query optimization, 🏆 wins the Best Paper Award at SIGMOD '21.
- 18 Mar 2021Our 📄 paper presenting the first 🛠️ benchmark of learned indexes has been accepted to VLDB '21.
Blog Posts
A Dirty JSON Parser
A JSON parser that works on malformed JSON… or least does its best
(05 Oct 2014).
rdtheory.js: relational database algorithms in JavaScript
A tool to compute database normalizations in your browser
(09 May 2014).
Fallthrough Sort: Quickly Sorting Small Sets
A technique for sorting small sets using switch statement fallthrough
(01 Jul 2013).
TopNTree: A merge-sort inspired data structure
A data structure that sorts by key but maintains constant-time access to the top k values
(09 Mar 2013).
Copyright 2025 Ryan Marcus